Things to Avoid Before Sex

Before engaging in intimate activities, it’s important to know what things to avoid to ensure a safe and enjoyable experience. Here are some simple guidelines to remember before having sex.

Eat Heavy Meals

Eating a heavy meal before sex can make you feel uncomfortable and bloated, so it’s best to have a light meal or snack instead.

Drink Too Much Alcohol

Drinking too much alcohol can impair judgment and affect performance, so it’s important to drink responsibly or avoid alcohol altogether.

Skip Consent

Always remember that consent is crucial in any sexual encounter, so make sure to have open and clear communication with your partner and respect their boundaries.

Neglect Protection

Using protection, such as condoms, is important to prevent sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and unintended pregnancies, so be sure to prioritize safe sex practices.

Ignore Personal Hygiene

Maintaining good personal hygiene, such as showering or brushing your teeth, is important to ensure a clean and pleasant experience for both partners.

Rush or Pressure

Taking time to build trust, establish comfort, and engage in foreplay is essential for a satisfying and enjoyable sexual experience.

Ignore Emotional Connection

Pay attention to emotional connection and mutual consent, as sex should be a consensual and meaningful experience for both partners.

Use Force or Coercion

Any form of force or coercion is unacceptable. Consent should be given freely and willingly, so always prioritize a respectful and consensual sexual encounter.

Disregard Communication

Open communication about desires, boundaries, and expectations is key to a positive sexual experience, so don’t be afraid to discuss these matters with your partner.

Forget about Mutual Pleasure

Remember that sex is a mutual experience, and both partners should focus on each other’s pleasure and satisfaction.

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