The Strangest Laws from Around the World!

Laws are an essential part of society, governing our behavior and maintaining order. While most laws are logical and necessary, there are some that leave us scratching our heads in confusion. In this article, we explore the strangest laws from around the world, highlighting peculiar regulations that may seem bizarre or outdated. Prepare to be amazed by the eccentricity of these legal codes.

Singapore: No Chewing Gum

In Singapore, chewing gum is prohibited, except for therapeutic purposes or by prescription.

This law was implemented to maintain cleanliness and prevent gum-related litter.

Violators can face hefty fines or even imprisonment, making it one of the most unusual laws regarding gum consumption.

Switzerland: Flushing the Toilet after 10 PM

In Switzerland, it is considered a disturbance of peace to flush the toilet after 10 PM in apartment buildings.

This regulation aims to prevent noise disturbances during nighttime hours.

Residents must exercise caution and plan their bathroom visits accordingly to avoid violating this curious law.

France: No Ketchup on Fries

In an effort to preserve culinary traditions, French law prohibits the use of ketchup in schools’ cafeterias.

The intention is to promote the consumption of healthier and more traditional French sauces with dishes such as fries.

This law may seem odd to visitors accustomed to enjoying ketchup with their fries.

Japan: No Unauthorized Toilet Use

In Japan, it is illegal to use someone else’s toilet without permission.

This law was enacted to ensure privacy and prevent trespassing.

While it may seem unusual, it reflects the value placed on personal boundaries and respect for others’ property in Japanese culture.

Thailand: No Stepping on Money

In Thailand, it is considered disrespectful and illegal to step on money.

Thai currency bears the image of the king, and stepping on it is seen as an act of disrespect towards the monarchy.

Visitors should be mindful and avoid inadvertently violating this unique law.

United Arab Emirates: No PDA

In the United Arab Emirates, public displays of affection (PDA) are strictly prohibited.

This includes kissing, hugging, or holding hands in public. The law reflects cultural norms and aims to maintain public decency.

Visitors should be mindful of local customs and adhere to this regulation.

Germany: No Running Out of Fuel on the Autobahn

In Germany, it is illegal to run out of fuel while driving on the Autobahn.

This law emphasizes the importance of responsible vehicle maintenance and ensuring a smooth flow of traffic.

Motorists should plan their fuel stops accordingly to avoid facing legal consequences.

Australia: No Swearing in Public

Certain regions in Australia have laws prohibiting the use of offensive language or swearing in public.

These regulations are in place to maintain public order and prevent offensive behavior.

Visitors should be mindful of their language and respect local guidelines to avoid legal complications.

Italy: No Sandcastles

In some Italian cities, building sandcastles on public beaches is strictly prohibited.

This law aims to preserve the natural beauty of the beaches and prevent potential hazards or obstructions.

Beachgoers should enjoy the sand without engaging in sandcastle construction in these particular areas.

United Kingdom: No Handling Salmon Suspiciously

According to British law, it is illegal to handle a salmon suspiciously.

Although the exact definition of “suspicious handling” remains open to interpretation, this peculiar law adds an element of humor to the legal system.

It serves as a reminder of the rich and often amusing history of legal codes in the United Kingdom.


The world is full of intriguing and sometimes perplexing laws that reflect cultural values, historical contexts, and societal norms. From Singapore’s ban on chewing gum to Italy’s prohibition on sandcastles, these strange laws offer a glimpse into the uniqueness and diversity of legal systems worldwide. While some may seem humorous or arbitrary, they remind us of the intricacies and peculiarities that make our world an interesting place.

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