The Moon’s Mysteries: What We Still Don’t Know

The moon has fascinated humanity for centuries. As Earth’s only natural satellite, it has captivated us with its beauty and mysteries. While we often admire its serene presence in the night sky, the moon holds a multitude of peculiar and fascinating secrets. In this article, we will delve into some weird and wonderful facts about the moon, shedding light on its enigmatic nature and deepening our understanding of this celestial body.


Unlike Earth, the moon is not geologically active, but it experiences moonquakes. These quakes are believed to be caused by tidal forces exerted by Earth, as well as the cooling and contraction of the moon’s interior.

Moon Dust Smell

Astronauts who have walked on the moon described the smell of moon dust as unique and distinct. Some liken it to the smell of spent gunpowder, while others say it resembles burnt charcoal.

Slow Rotations

The moon rotates at a much slower rate than Earth. It takes approximately 27.3 days for the moon to complete one full rotation on its axis, which is the same amount of time it takes to orbit Earth.

Moonquakes and Moonquakes

In addition to moonquakes, the moon also experiences moonquakes. These are vibrations caused by meteorite impacts on the lunar surface.

Moonwalking Distance Record

The longest moonwalk recorded was performed by Apollo 17 astronaut Eugene Cernan. He traveled a total of 22 miles (35 kilometers) during the mission’s three moonwalks.

Lunar Swirls

Lunar swirls are bright, wavy patterns that can be seen on the moon’s surface. They are believed to be caused by magnetic fields interacting with the lunar soil.

Tidally Locked

The moon is tidally locked with Earth, meaning it always shows the same face to us. This phenomenon is caused by the gravitational forces between Earth and the moon.

Lunar Highlands and Maria

The moon’s surface is divided into two main regions: the heavily cratered highlands and the smooth, dark areas known as Maria. Maria are ancient basaltic lava plains.


The moon, with its serene presence in the night sky, holds a plethora of weird and wonderful facts that continue to intrigue and captivate us. From moonquakes to lunar swirls, the moon’s enigmatic nature continues to inspire scientific exploration and spark our imagination. As we uncover more about this celestial body, we deepen our appreciation for the moon’s significance in our lives and its role in shaping Earth’s history.

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