Most Terrifying Bridges in the World

Prepare to be amazed and thrilled by the top ten most terrifying bridges in the world. These remarkable structures challenge our courage and test our nerves as we traverse them. Let’s discover their names and brief descriptions that will send shivers down your spine.

Zhangjiajie Glass Bridge

A breathtaking bridge in China made of glass panels, offering a terrifying sensation of walking on air high above the stunning Zhangjiajie National Forest Park.

Hussaini Hanging Bridge

A rickety rope bridge in Pakistan that sways perilously over a rushing river, demanding a brave heart to cross its treacherous path.

Capilano Suspension Bridge

A swaying suspension bridge in Canada that hangs high above a scenic canyon, providing an exhilarating experience for those daring enough to cross it.

Millau Viaduct

An awe-inspiring cable-stayed bridge in France, soaring high above the clouds, and offering breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape.

Eshima Ohashi Bridge

A steep and seemingly endless bridge in Japan that appears more like a roller coaster, creating a hair-raising experience for drivers.

Langkawi Sky Bridge

A suspended pedestrian bridge in Malaysia that offers stunning panoramic views but requires nerves of steel due to its height and narrow path.

Royal Gorge Bridge

A suspension bridge in the United States that spans a deep canyon, offering a heart-stopping view of the raging Arkansas River below.

Sidu River Bridge

One of the world’s highest bridges in China, perched precariously above a rocky gorge, with the road disappearing into the clouds.

Vitim River Bridge

A treacherous railway bridge in Russia known for its decaying structure, narrow path, and lack of safety barriers, instilling fear in even the bravest souls.

Aiguille du Midi Bridge

A vertigo-inducing glass skywalk in France, providing panoramic views of the French Alps and Mont Blanc, while daring visitors to step onto its transparent floor.

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