Most Expensive Robberies in History

Explore the thrilling world of daring robberies as we uncover the top ten most valuable thefts ever carried out. These daring acts of stealing involved clever plans and enormous risks to snatch unimaginable amounts of money.

The Great Train Robbery – Stolen Cash: $7,000,000

A notorious train robbery where a gang intercepted a mail train, escaping with a substantial sum of money.

The Brink’s-MAT Robbery – Stolen Cash: $39,000,000

An audacious heist at a warehouse, targeting gold bullion and diamonds that shocked the world with its value.

The Banco Central Burglary – Stolen Cash: $70,000,000

A meticulously planned tunneling operation that led to the theft of a vast amount of cash from a bank vault.

The Securitas Depot Robbery – Stolen Cash: $92,500,000

A meticulously executed heist involving the kidnapping of a bank manager’s family to gain access to a cash depot.

The Antwerp Diamond Heist – Stolen Cash: $100,000,000

A meticulously planned theft targeting a vault in the diamond district, resulting in the loss of a vast amount of precious stones.

The Knightsbridge Security Deposit Robbery – Stolen Cash: $116,000,000

An audacious heist where a gang tunneled into a security deposit company and stole an extraordinary sum of money and valuables.

The Banco Central Burglary (Fortaleza, Brazil) – Stolen Cash: $160,000,000

Another daring burglary targeting the Banco Central in Brazil, involving the digging of a tunnel and stealing a massive amount of cash.

The Hatton Garden Heist – Stolen Cash: $273,000,000

An audacious underground raid on the Hatton Garden Safe Deposit Company, resulting in the loss of a significant amount of cash and valuables.

The Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist – Stolen Cash: $500,000,000

A high-profile art theft targeting the museum, resulting in the loss of valuable artwork worth an astounding sum.

The Central Bank of Iraq Heist – Stolen Cash: $1,000,000,000

A massive theft involving the looting of a central bank during the Iraq War, resulting in the loss of an incredible amount of cash.

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