Biggest Construction Mistakes in the World

Discover the top ten biggest construction mistakes in the world, where even the largest projects encountered unforeseen challenges. These errors serve as important lessons for future construction endeavors. Let’s explore the names of these mishaps and their brief descriptions.

Tower of Pisa

An iconic leaning tower due to a mistake in its foundation, resulting in an unintended tilt.

Millennium Bridge

A pedestrian bridge that had to be temporarily closed soon after opening due to excessive swaying caused by design miscalculations.

Big Dig

A major highway project that faced numerous problems, including leaks, cost overruns, and delays.

Ryugyong Hotel

A colossal hotel construction that halted for years, leaving the unfinished “Hotel of Doom” standing tall.

Vdara Hotel

A hotel in Las Vegas with a design flaw that caused sunlight to reflect and concentrate, resulting in melted objects on the pool deck.

Citicorp Center

A skyscraper in New York City that required emergency retrofitting due to a flawed structural design.

Sampoong Department Store

A tragic collapse of a department store in South Korea caused by unauthorized structural modifications.

Tacoma Narrows Bridge

A suspension bridge that famously collapsed due to strong winds and design flaws.

Humber Bridge

A suspension bridge that faced significant cost overruns and construction challenges, leading to delays and financial strain.

Wembley Stadium Arch

A stadium construction project that experienced setbacks and cost overruns due to engineering complications with its iconic arch.

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