World’s Oddest Museums You Should See!

Museums are typically associated with art, history, and science, showcasing valuable artifacts and exhibits. However, some museums venture into the realm of the bizarre, showcasing collections that can only be described as peculiar and offbeat. In this article, we embark on a journey to explore the world’s oddest museums, where visitors can encounter the unexpected, the unusual, and the downright eccentric.

Museum of Bad Art – Dedham, Massachusetts, US

As the name suggests, the Museum of Bad Art (MOBA) is dedicated to showcasing exceptionally bad artwork. This museum celebrates art that may not conform to traditional standards but carries its own unique charm and intrigue.

Sulabh International Museum of Toilets – New Delhi, India

Delving into the history of sanitation, the Sulabh International Museum of Toilets takes visitors on a tour of the evolution of toilets and sanitation practices. From ancient chamber pots to modern flush toilets, this museum sheds light on a fundamental aspect of human life.

Icelandic Phallological Museum – Reykjavik, Iceland

A museum like no other, the Icelandic Phallological Museum houses a collection of penises from various animal species. Visitors can explore the diverse world of phalluses and learn about the cultural significance and biology associated with them.

Museum of Broken Relationships – Zagreb, Croatia

The Museum of Broken Relationships showcases artifacts and mementos from failed relationships. Each item represents a personal story of heartbreak and serves as a reminder of the complexities of human emotions and relationships.

Avanos Hair Museum – Avanos, Turkey

Located in a cave, the Avanos Hair Museum is filled with thousands of locks of hair from women around the world. Visitors can marvel at the unique displays of hair art, including intricate designs and messages left by visitors.

The Mutter Museum – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA

The Mutter Museum is known for its collection of medical oddities and anatomical specimens. From skulls to abnormal body parts, visitors can explore the extraordinary world of medical curiosities and gain insight into the human body and its anomalies.

Museum of Witchcraft and Magic – Boscastle, Cornwall, England

Dedicated to the world of witchcraft and magic, this museum houses artifacts, spells, and other mystical objects. Visitors can immerse themselves in the history and folklore surrounding witchcraft, gaining a deeper understanding of its cultural significance.

Clown Hall of Fame and Research Center – Baraboo, Wisconsin, USA

Clown enthusiasts will appreciate the Clown Hall of Fame and Research Center, which honors the art and history of clowning. The museum showcases clown memorabilia, costumes, and offers insights into the world of laughter and entertainment.

Meguro Parasitological Museum – Tokyo, Japan

For those with a fascination for parasites, the Meguro Parasitological Museum is a must-visit. It features an extensive collection of preserved parasites, including giant tapeworms and unusual specimens that shed light on the diverse world of parasitology.

Museum of Vampires and Legendary Creatures – Paris, France

Step into the supernatural realm at the Museum of Vampires and Legendary Creatures. Here, visitors can explore the lore and mythology surrounding vampires, werewolves, and other mythical beings, delving into the dark and mysterious side of folklore.


While traditional museums offer glimpses into art, history, and science, the oddest museums of the world take visitors on eccentric and captivating journeys. From bad art and broken relationships to toilets and phalluses, these museums celebrate the unusual and challenge our perceptions. So, if you’re seeking a truly unique and offbeat experience, consider adding these oddest museums to your travel itinerary.

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