Unforgettable Lawsuits That Will Make You Shake Your Head

In this article, we delve into the world of bizarre and hilarious lawsuits that have left us scratching our heads. From suing over hot coffee to other truly ridiculous claims, these legal battles have provided both amusement and disbelief. Prepare to be entertained and astounded as we explore some of the most outrageous cases that have made their way into courtrooms around the world.

The McDonald’s Hot Coffee Lawsuit

One of the most well-known cases, Stella Liebeck sued McDonald’s in 1992 after suffering severe burns from spilled hot coffee. The lawsuit garnered attention for its seemingly excessive nature, but it shed light on product safety and led to changes in warning labels.

The Popcorn Lung Lawsuit

In 2007, a man named Wayne Watson sued several microwave popcorn manufacturers, claiming that inhaling the artificial butter flavoring caused him to develop “popcorn lung,” a serious respiratory condition. The lawsuit highlighted the potential hazards of food additives.

The Red Bull Gives You Wings Lawsuit

Red Bull, the popular energy drink, faced a lawsuit in 2013 when a group of consumers claimed the company’s marketing slogan “Red Bull gives you wings” was false advertising. The plaintiffs argued that they did not experience any extraordinary physical or mental benefits after consuming the drink.

The Psychic’s Failed Love Spell Lawsuit

A New York woman filed a lawsuit against a psychic in 2009, alleging that the psychic had failed to deliver on a promise to reunite her with her ex-boyfriend using a love spell. The plaintiff sought a refund and compensation for emotional distress, showcasing the unique claims that can arise in the realm of psychic services.

The Anti-Aging Cream Lawsuit

In 2012, a woman filed a lawsuit against a cosmetics company, claiming that their anti-aging cream did not deliver the promised results of reversing aging. The case brought attention to the effectiveness of beauty products and the expectations set by their marketing campaigns.

The Airline Food Complaint

In 2015, a man sued an airline for serving him a “sandwich with a rock.” He alleged that while eating the sandwich during the flight, he bit into a rock, causing him dental damage and emotional distress. The case was settled out of court.

The “Invisible Gorilla” Lawsuit

In 2010, a woman filed a lawsuit against a laboratory after participating in a psychological study. The study involved watching a video in which participants had to count how many times a basketball was passed. During the video, a person dressed as a gorilla appeared, but the woman claimed she didn’t see it and suffered emotional distress. The case was dismissed.

The Monkey Selfie Copyright Dispute

In a truly peculiar turn of events, a dispute arose over who held the copyright to a series of selfies taken by a crested macaque named Naruto. The photographs gained international attention, leading to a legal battle between the photographer, David Slater, and animal rights organization PETA, who claimed the monkey should be recognized as the copyright holder. This bizarre lawsuit raised intriguing questions about the boundaries of intellectual property.

Suing the Devil

In a case that pushes the boundaries of the legal system, a Romanian man named Constantin Reliu attempted to sue the Devil. Mr. Reliu had been officially declared dead by his wife, leading to a cascade of bureaucratic challenges. Frustrated with the system, he resorted to suing Satan, claiming the Devil had caused his problems. Unsurprisingly, the lawsuit was dismissed, but it stands as a testament to the lengths some will go to find resolution.

The “Sue Your Own Mother” Case

In 2007, a man named Bernard Bey sued his mother for $200,000, claiming she had violated his civil rights and inflicted emotional distress. The lawsuit alleged that his mother had nagged him and called him names over the phone. Unsurprisingly, the case was dismissed.


The world of law is no stranger to bizarre and hilarious lawsuits. From the infamous hot coffee case to the monkey selfie copyright dispute and even suing the Devil, these legal battles have captivated our imaginations and showcased the quirkier side of the legal system. While some cases may seem outrageous, they serve as reminders of the complexities and nuances that can arise within the legal realm.

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